Technical Specifications Newspapers



Basler Zeitung


Der Landbote


Zürcher Unterländer

Berner Zeitung

Le Matin Dimanche

24 heures

Tribune de Genève

Finanz und Wirtschaft


EditionAdvertising closing datePrint Material Submission
Daily newspapers


Thursday, 14.00 h

Friday, 08.00 h


Friday, 14.00 h

Monday, 08.00 h


Monday, 14.00 h

Tuesday, 08.00 h


Tuesday, 14.00 h

Wednesday, 08.00 h


Wednesday, 14.00 h

Thursday, 08.00 h


Thursday, 14.00 h

Friday, 08.00 h

Sunday newspapers

SonntagsZeitung / Le Matin Dimanche

Wednesday, 16.00 h

Wednesday, 16.00 h

Finanz und Wirtschaft


Monday, 08.00 h

Monday, 16.00 h


Thursday, 08.00 h

Thursday, 16.00 h

Printing process
Newspaper offset printing according to the international standard ISO 12647-3

File format

Only digital submission of print materials as PDF/X-4 or PDF/X-3 is accepted. Color processing in the CMYK color space. Conversion from other formats may result in quality loss. All fonts, images and graphics must be embedded.

Please use Adobe PostScript Type 1 fonts or OpenType, not TrueType fonts.

Please provide the following information when submitting: client, sender and phone number, ad size, publication, category, publication date and the subject of the ad.

Total ink coverage maximum 240%

Dot gain
26% dot gain in the mid-tone range (40% original tone value).

Tone range
Light: 0%
First print point: 2%
At image completion: 3%
Last print point: 95%
Solid tone: 100%

Color: ISOnewspaper26v4.icc
Grayscale: ISOnewspaper26v4_gr.icc

Technical specifications (apply to all printing locations)
Max. paper weight: to be agreed in advance. Folding instructions: Folded inserts must have one closed side (longer side of the insert). Reply cards: must be glued on the inside, horizontally with a 20 mm distance from the fold, top and bottom.

Minimum format: 105 x 200 mm; Maximum format: 230 x 310 mm

Paper weight
Single sheets in the format 105 x 210 mm require a minimum paper weight of 170 g/m2 and uncoated paper. Single sheets in the format 210 x 297 mm (A4) require a minimum paper weight of 150 g/m2 and uncoated paper, or with a paper weight of 135 g/m2 they must be folded to a format of 148 x 210 mm. Larger formats require a paper weight of 60 g/m2 and must be folded to a maximum format of 235 x 320 mm or a minimum of 105 x 200 mm (A5).

Delivery DZZ Druckzentrum Zürich

  • Tages-Anzeiger
  • Zürichsee Zeitung
  • Zürcher Unterländer
  • Der Landbote
  • Sihltaler/Thalwiler
  • SonntagsZeitung (partial print run of 78’000 Ex. - from 2 February, 2025, total print run of 124,000 copies will be produced in the DZZ printing center in Zurich!)
  • Finanz und Wirtschaft

DZZ Druckzentrum Zürich AG
Anlieferung & Beschaffung Tor 18
Bubenbergstrasse 1
8045 Zürich

Tel: 044 248 49 58,

The material reception at the DZZ is open Monday to Friday from 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Before public holidays, the goods reception closes at 12:00 PM. Delivery

Inserts must be delivered no earlier than one week and no later than four working days before the publication date.

Delivery DZB Druckzentrum Bern

  • Berner Zeitung (all editions)
  • Der Bund
  • SonntagsZeitung (partial print of run 46’000 Ex. - from 2 February 2025, total print run of 124,000 copies will be produced in the DZZ printing center in Zurich!)
  • Basler Zeitung
  • Tribune de Genève (from 3 February 2025, Tribune de Genève will be produced at the DZB printing center in Bern)
  • 24 heures (from 3 February 2025, 24 heures will be produced at the DZB printing center in Bern)
  • Signé de Genève (from 3 February 2025, Signé de Genève will be produced at the DZB printing center in Bern)
  • Le Matin dimanche (from 16 February 2025, Le Matin dimanche will be produced at the DZB printing center in Bern)

DZB Druckzentrum Bern AG
Warenumschlag Spedition
Zentweg 7
3006 Bern

Tel. 079 286 44 53,

The goods reception in the DZB is open Monday to Friday, 07:30 – 16:00. Before public holidays, the goods reception closes at 12:00

Delivery CIL Centre d’Impression Lausanne

  • Tribune de Genève (from 3 February 2025, Tribune de Genève will be produced at the DZB printing center in Bern)
  • 24 heures (from 3 February 2025, 24 heures will be produced at the DZB printing center in Bern)
  • Signé de Genève (from 3 February 2025, Signé de Genève will be produced at the DZB printing center in Bern)
  • Le Matin dimanche (from 16 February 2025, Le Matin dimanche will be produced at the DZB printing center in Bern)

Centre d’Impression Lausanne
Quai des imprimés n° 1
Chemin de Mochettaz 8
1030 Bussigny

Tel. +41 21 349 57 21,

The goods reception at CIL is open Monday to Friday, 07:00 – 17:00. Before public holidays, the goods reception closes at 12:00